Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
209 lines
retf macro ;this source code has been assembled with Microsoft
db 0cbh ;Macro assembler ver 3 which does not support a far
endm ;return instruction. So use this macro to provide the
;required instruction.
code segment byte public 'code'
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code
jmp my_code
cback dd 0
bsiz dw offset stk_siz - $ - 5
t_len dw 0
cnt db 0
buf DB 80H DUP(0)
stk_siz dw 0
pntr dw 0
pbuf DB 80h DUP(0)
noparam db 'none',0dh,0ah,'$'
newl db 0dh,0ah,'$'
pos db 13,10,9,9,9,9,'$'
anull db 'null parameter',0dh,0ah,'$'
SIGNON DB 0dh,0ah,0ah
db 9,'--- assembly routine to test call-back functions ---',13,10
db 'passed parameters:',13,10,'$'
scrn1 db 13,10,10,'Call-Back Options:',9,'<ESC> to quit',13,10
db 9,9,9,'<0> set glvn or settable function',13,10
db 9,9,9,'<1> fetch glvn or dollar function',13,10
DB 9,9,9,'<2> kill glvn',13,10,10
db 9,9,9,' choice ? $'
name_buf DB 256 DUP(0)
value_buf DB 256 DUP(0)
kill_q db 13,10,10,'kill which cariable NAME ? $'
fetch_q db 13,10,10,'fetch what variable NAME ? $'
name_q db 13,10,10,'NAME of variable to set: $'
value_q db 13,10,'VALUE for this variable: $'
badnm db 7,'illegal variable name',13,10,'$'
notfnd db 'var not found',13,10,'$'
mov ah,9
lea dx,signon
int 21h
cmp cnt,0 ;any parameters ?
jz none ;no
lea bx,buf ;move to length byte of first param
mov pntr,bx ;pntr always points to length byte of a param
loop: cmp cnt,0 ;is count down to 0 ?
jz pdone ;yes
mov bx,pntr ;no, get pointer to size byte
mov cl,[bx] ;get size
mov ch,0 ;extend to 16 bits
cmp cx,0 ;is it null?
jnz LP1 ;yes
jmp null
LP1: mov si,bx
inc si ;source
add bx,cx ;point to next size field
inc bx
mov pntr,bx ; & save
mov di, offset pbuf
rep movsb
mov byte ptr [di],'$'
mov ah,9
mov dx, offset pbuf
int 21h
call crlf
dec cnt
jmp loop
none: mov ah,9
lea dx,noparam
int 21h
pdone: jmp menu
menu: mov ah,9
lea dx, scrn1
int 21h
menulp: mov ah,6
mov dl,0ffh
int 21h ;get one char reply
cmp al,0
jz menulp
cmp al,'2' ;call back 'kill'
jz kill
cmp al,'1'
jz fetch ;call back 'fetch'
cmp al,'0'
jnz m1
jmp set ;call back 'set'
m1: cmp al,1bh ;esc?
jnz menulp ;no
retf ;yes, back to mumps
kill: mov ah,9
lea dx,kill_q
int 21h ;'what var?' prompt
mov ah,10
lea dx,name_buf
mov di,dx
mov byte ptr [di],255 ;buf size
int 21h ;get reply
lea dx,name_buf
inc dx ;look at size of reply
mov di,dx
cmp byte ptr[di],0
jz menu ;no reply
mov cl,2 ;call_back 'kill' fucn #
call dword ptr cs:cback
cmp al,0 ;was mumps successful ?
jz menu ;yes
mov ah,9 ;no, tell someone
lea dx,badnm
int 21h
jmp menu
fetch: mov ah,9
lea dx,fetch_q
int 21h ;'what var?' prompt
mov ah,10
lea dx,name_buf
mov di,dx
mov byte ptr [di],255 ;buf size
int 21h ;get reply
lea dx,name_buf
inc dx ;look at size of reply
mov di,dx
cmp byte ptr[di],0
jnz f1 ;no reply
jmp menu
f1: mov cl,1 ;call_back 'fetch' fucn #
call dword ptr cs:cback
cmp al,0 ;was mumps successful ?
jz good_fetch ;yes
cmp al,0feh ;no, was error 'bad name'
jnz fetch1
call tab
mov ah,9
lea dx,badnm
int 21h
jmp menu
fetch1: call tab
mov ah,9
lea dx,notfnd
int 21h
jmp menu
good_fetch: ;byte length + string is in buffer. Put '$' @end & print it
call tab
lea di,buf ;point to length
mov ch,0
mov cl,[di] ;get length
inc di ;1st string byte
mov dx,di ;start printing here
add di,cx
mov byte ptr[di],'$';mark end
mov ah,9
int 21h
call crlf
jmp menu
set: ;set a mumps glvn or settable function
mov ah,9
lea dx, name_q
int 21h
mov ah,10
lea dx,name_buf
mov di,dx
mov byte ptr [di],255 ;buffer size
int 21h ;input name of variable
lea dx,name_buf
inc dx ;look at size
mov di,dx
cmp byte ptr[di],0
jz set_quit ;null string, quit
mov ah,9
lea dx, value_q
int 21h
mov ah,10
lea dx,value_buf
mov di,dx
mov byte ptr [di],255 ;buffer size
int 21h ;input the value for the variable
lea dx, name_buf+1
lea bx, value_buf+1
mov cl,0 ;set function
call dword ptr cs:cback
jmp menu
mov ax,0
tab: mov ah,9
lea dx,pos
int 21h
crlf: mov ah,9
mov dx, offset newl
int 21h
null: inc pntr ;next byte is also a size byte cause this one null
dec cnt
mov ah,9
mov dx, offset anull
int 21h
jmp loop
code ends